dog with tennis ball

Canine Flu Day Is June 20Th

Dog flu, caused by the canine influenza virus (CIV), occurs year-round and can affect dogs of any breed, age, sex or health status. Almost all dogs exposed to the virus become infected, with 80 percent of those infected developing flu-like illness. Although CIV is highly contagious, it does not transfer to people.

Consider vaccination against CIV based on your dog’s lifestyle and risk factors. If you answer yes to one or more of the questions below, your dog is greater risk for contracting canine influenza.

Does your dog:

  • Visit doggie day care?
  • Board at a boarding facility or pet hotel?
  • Attend training classes?
  • Play at dog parks?
  • Participate in dog-friendly events?
  • Attend dog shows or sporting events?
  • Often greet other dogs during walks?

In recognition of Canine Flu Day and to help protect your pets we are offering $20 Canine Influenza Vaccines from June 18 through June 23.

Hurry, this offer is only available while supplies last and appointments fill quickly. Contact us at (713) 999-6095 or schedule an appointment online today.
